Virtual Waste Transfer Station

Building the World's Waste Database


We aim to empower businesses and recycling firms to achieve zero waste to landfill through a seamless data platform that connects valuable materials with responsible solutions. We plan on accelerating the circular economy by unlocking the hidden potential of commercial waste through an accessible and data-driven platform.

What is VWTS?

The Virtual Waste Transfer Station is a not for profit organization that is creating a repository of businesses and their waste stream information. We are generating a database schema and APIs that will allow businesses to easily add the types of waste, the amounts and the frequency with which it is created. Subscribers to the service will be able to query the system for the types of waste available, where that waste is being generated, and they can contact the waste producers via the platform.

Keith Wiggans (founder)

With 20 years of experience as a database developer, I'm passionate about building solutions. But outside of the digital world, you'll find me spending time with my wife and son (18 years strong!), swimming, weightlifting, or camping at the beautiful Texas beaches.

That love for the outdoors and a sustainable future is what drove me to found Virtual Waste Transfer Station. I believe in harnessing technology to create a positive impact, and VWTS is my way of helping reduce waste going to landfills.